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Bespoke Medical Plan

The Global Bespoke Medical Service Center in Hong Kong provides customers with high-end medical solutions including attending doctors (from GBAHK Specialist Doctors Network),  tele-consultation, admission arrangements, family accommodation and transportation arrangements. We strives to provide quality medical services to local, domestic and international clients.


We work together with the world's leading international pharmaceutical manufacturer to produce the Hong Kong  Drug Directory. Our center's medical team has a good command of the latest drugs and surgery treatment options available in Hong Kong. In addition, the team also has extensive experience in treating political and business leaders in Hong Kong and China, hoping to bring high-end medical experience to customers.


Contact us now to learn about exclusive medical solutions!



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秉承貝姬. 甘迺迪臨床心理學博士的親子關係洞察與聯結理念,體系構建蜜月期媽媽與BABY 聯動護幼體驗,從新生命誕生構建圓滿家庭關係。

更加注重寶媽個人體感,為眾多高淨值家庭提供摯臻造極的服務體驗,打造7*24 小時1v1 親密專護。

源自IBCLC 國際泌乳協會理念,團隊提供IBCLC 國際顧問指導,遵循母體構造及生物學原理,讓母乳餵養回歸自然原態。


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